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Solar LED projector designed to make the most of the sun’s energy and generate high-quality intense light.
Allows you to totally cancel energy costs and to protect the environment.

Select one version

5 W
10 W

Presence sensor

It is possible to keep the device in constant light mode or in PIR sensor mode of presence that switches on the device when it passes and turns it off after a certain period of inactivity, optimizing battery life.


With 12 hours of autonomy, DVerso allows you to illuminate the courtyard, the exterior of a garage or a home or an entrance at no cost.

Constant light

The projector stays on until the battery is discharged and, once recharged, automatically returns to sensor mode.

Over 110 Lumen/Watt
More than 12 h of autonomy
Over 100% of saving

Zero costi in bolletta